A downloadable game

This game is about creating melodies with constellations. Made for the micro jame 35.

It is far from being finished. Because of this, it lacks multiple important elements that link it to the "wizard" theme of the jam.

How to play:

When you launch the game, you end up in the starmap. You can drag right click to move around and left click on a constellation to play the level. You should preferably play levels from left to right.

Once in a level, you can drag left click to create a link. If this link is between two stars, it will stay once you release. In the bottom right is the partition you need to play. You can hoover the notes on this partition as well as the stars to see what note it plays. The first five buttons in the bottom allow you to change how quick the link you draw is. The quicker a link, the quicker the next star will play its note. The next four buttons qre not yet implemented. In the top right you can reset a level and in the top left you go back to the starmap. To win a level you need to create the same melody with your constellation as the one on the partition. To play your constellation, right click on the star you want your melody to start on. It will then follow the links you made.

Made by myriapod and Enlaniel

Published 5 hours ago
StatusIn development


stargazer.zip 28 MB

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